La fotografía del canadiense Charles Bodi me sorprendió por la particular paleta de color, su notable contraste de conceptos y por la desolación de sus paisajes urbanos e industriales.
Aunque nació en la antigua Yugoslavia, vive en Toronto (Canadá) desde los 15 años. Estudió Bellas Artes y Multimedia. Ahora vive y trabaja en Toronto. Le gusta pensar que las ideas le utilizan, como una herramienta para hacerse realidad en su obra.
Sus creaciones son una exploración de lo fundamental y lo aparentemente caótico. Como resultado de su incansable necesidad de experimentar, las personas que ven mi trabajo están expuestas a un dialogo que refleja su viaje personal de descubrimiento, confesión y visión. Al igual que algunas poesías salpicadas por momentos de maravilla y curiosidad, su trabajo a menudo es una combinación de asociaciones poco probables que llevan a revelaciones inesperadas.
Un consejo para los que comienzan: Si te comparas con otros te convertirás en una persona vanidosa y amargada. Mantén el interés en tu propio trabajo. Satisfácete a ti mismo y no otros. Sigue tu corazón y ve a donde te conduce.
Cámara Canon EOS 10D
Abertura f2.8
Velocidad 1/3sg
Longitud focal 24mm
ISO 100
Cámara Canon EOS 10D
Abertura f11
Longitud focal 17mm
ISO 100
Charles Bodi
Residence place
Toronto, Canada
Personal Web
Fine Art and Multimedia
Most recent exhibition was a piece at «Massive Change: The Future of Global Design» at The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, September 16 – December 31, 2006
I also participated in various group exhibitions at Gallery 44, Queens Quay Gallery, and Gladstone Hotel, in Toronto.
Books published
I will be publishing a calendar of «Industrial Nudes» this fall as well as a special hard cover book containing 99 of my best works.
Photographic equipment
I shoot mostly digital because it’s so much less expensive than film. I have just upgraded from the Canon EOS 10D to the Canon EOS 5D. My main lens is the Canon EF 24mm f 1.4 L USM. I also occasionally use Pentax K1000 for 35 mm film and Hasselblad 501 CM and Holga for medium format film.
I prefer Apple computers and I use Adobe PhotoShop
Your favourite photographers
David Lachapelle, Spencer Tunick, Edward Burtynsky, Andre Kertesz
Some advice for whom they are beginning
If you compare yourself to others you will become vain and bitter. Keep interested in your own work. Please your self not others. Follow your heart, See where it leads you.
Short Bio and Statement:
I was born in the former Yugoslavia. I moved to Canada at the age of 15 where I studied Fine Art and Multimedia. I currently live and work in Toronto. My interest in the visual arts at this stage in my life is focused mainly on photography. I like to think that ideas are using me as a tool to bring them into existence through my work.
My creations are an exploration of the fundamental and the seemingly chaotic. As a result of my unshakable need to experiment, viewers of my work are exposed to a dialog that reflects my personal journey of discovery, confession, and vision. Just like some works of poetry punctuated with moments of wonder and curiosity, my work is often a combination of unlikely associations that can lead to unexpected revelations.